Rental housing and right-of-occupancy dwellings

Ara rental homes
Ara housing are homes that have been built with state aid. The majority of Ara housing are rental homes. In Tampere, there are also state-subsidised right-of-occupancy homes.
In state-subsidised housing there are restrictions on the choice of tenants. These restrictions aim to ensure that state aid is correctly targeted to those in need. Only Finnish citizen or a person comparable to a Finnish citizen can have Ara rental home according to the restrictions. In addition, tenants are selected based on the need for housing, wealth and income.
There is a maximum asset limit which is determined by household size. The asset limits are updated annually and is applied in the tenant selection.
From 1.7.2024 onwards, the maximum wealth for Ara rental housing in Tampere are as follows
- EUR 57 000 for a household of one
- EUR 73 000 for a household of two
- EUR 98 000 for a household of three
- For households of four or more, the asset limit is increased by EUR 10 000 for each person in the household.
The income limits apply both to new tenants in Ara housing as well as to tenants changing from one Ara home to another. The maximum monthly income of a single person per household is €3 540. If there is more than one adult aged 18 or over in the household, the income limit is increased by €2 480 for each adult. If the household includes children under 18, the income limit is increased by €650 for the first child and €600 for each subsequent child.
Examples of income limits:
1 adult €3 540
1 adult and child €4 190
1 adult and 2 children €4 790
1 adult and 3 children €5 390
2 adults €6 020
2 adults and a child 6 670 €
2 adults and 2 children 7 270 €
2 adults and 3 children 7 870 €
Ara rental housing in Tampere
There are several companies and organisations that own and operate Ara rental homes in Tampere. Some are targeted at a specific group of people, such as elderly people or students. However, most Ara homes are available for everyone to apply for.
Applications for rental housing are made directly to the companies or organisations that rent the housing. Their websites provide more information on how to apply for housing and where to find available homes. You can usually apply for a rental home on the website of a housing company.
Organisations that offer state-subsidised housing in Tampere
Right-of-occupancy housing
Right-of-occupancy housing is an alternative between rented or owner-occupied homes. By paying a right-of-occupancy payment, usually 15% of the purchase price of the home, and then a monthly residence charge, you have the right to manage your home as if you owned it. If you give up your right-of-occupancy, you will receive a refund of the right-of-occupancy payment, adjusted by the building cost index.
Anyone aged 18 or over Finnish citizen or a person comparable to a Finnish citizen can apply for a tenancy. There are no income limits. The applicant or an adult family member moving in with him/her may have assets up to 50% of the value of the home to be purchased. The applicants must not own a home in the area that is reasonably equivalent to the one for which they are applying. Applicants over 55 years of age and those changing from one tenancy to another are not subject to the asset conditions.
How to apply for a right-of-occupancy housing
To apply for a right-of-occupancy housing, you need a queue number, which you can get from ARA (The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland). ARA gives you a nationwide queue number. The queue number is valid for two years.
Once you have received the number, you can register as an applicant for housing with the company or association that owns right-of-occupancy housing. You can apply for housing from several operators at the same time.
Right-of-occupancy homes in Tampere
You can find more information on right-of-occupancy housing in the area on these pages.
Administrative appeal
Complaints about errors or omissions made in the tenant selection process by a housing operator for Ara rental housing in the Tampere city area may be lodged with the City of Tampere. The complaint must be lodged at the City Registry ([email protected]).
Please note that a complaint does not change the original decision. A complaint is a report made to a supervisory authority of wrongful act or negligence. The authority may point out or, if necessary, give administrative guidance to the housing operator about any improper procedures.
Complaints about the selection of residents for housing for special groups (housing services provided by the Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa) must be lodged with the Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa ([email protected]).
Complaints about the determination of rent or residence charges, selection of tenants in right-of-occupancy homes and other activities of Ara housing operators must be lodged with The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (In Finnish: Asumisen rahoitus- ja kehittämiskeskus ARA) ([email protected]).