Tampere Region Employment Area

Public employment and economic development services were transferred to municipalities on 1 January 2025. The purpose of the reform is to bring the services closer to residents and businesses with the aim of facilitating and speeding up the employment of job seekers and assisting businesses in finding employees. Clients do not need to worry about the continuity of the services during the reform.
Municipalities now also have the responsibility for employment and economic development services for integrating immigrant customers and the promotion of their integration.
Employment services in the employment area
Tampere region employment area comprises the municipalities of Akaa, Juupajoki, Kangasala, Kuhmoinen, Lempäälä, Nokia, Orivesi, Pirkkala, Pälkäne, Ruovesi, Tampere, Urjala, Valkeakoski, Vesilahti, Virrat and Ylöjärvi. The municipality responsible for the employment area will be Tampere. Western Pirkanmaa municipalities form another employment area. Mänttä-Vilppula is now part of the employment area of Southern Central Finland.
As of the beginning of 2025, job seekers and corporate customers will receive advice and guidance on job search, recruitment and competence development from their own municipality of residence. Employment services are part of the basic services of each municipality in the same way as education or civil engineering services, among others. The reform will also ensure that the services are available to everyone on an equal basis.
To promote employment, the employment area will offer to job seekers and employers services such as job placement, information and counselling services, career counselling and career guidance, job search and career coaching, labour market training, work and education trials, professional evaluations and independent studying on unemployment benefit. The municipalities in the employment area may also design their own services to promote and support the employment of their customers.
Job seeker services
If you become unemployed, sign in to Job Market Finland E-service and register as a job seeker. On Job Market Finland, you can create a job search profile and search for vacancies. You will also find comprehensive instructions on how to handle your official matters, information about working life and related services. You will be able to look for a job on a page dedicated to your own municipality of residence or regional pages, which also include other municipalities. If you need employment services for the first time, you can always turn to your municipality. Use a paper form if you cannot authenticate yourself in the E-services with online banking credentials, a mobile certificate, or a chipped ID card.
Services for businesses
If you plan to become or already are an entrepreneur, you will receive start-up services and employer and business development services from your own municipality of residence. You will be able to get assistance in matters such as recruitment, wage subsidies, work trials and competence development. On Job Market Finland, you can publish a vacancy and search for employees. If you need more information about the employment and economic development services, please contact the service point of your own municipality.
Starting your job search as a non-EU/EEA citizen
Only Finnish citizens and citizens of the EU/EEA can start their job search online via the Job Market Finland E-services. Use a paper form if you cannot authenticate yourself in the E-services with online banking credentials, a mobile certificate, or a chipped ID card. If you are not a citizen of the EU/EEA region or Switzerland, please visit the Pirkanmaa Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office) in person or contact the national general telephone service for personal customers.
OMA coach supports you in searching for a job
As a client of the Tampere region employment area, you will receive services to support your employment and a designated OMA coach. The OMA coach will provide individual guidance to support you in your job search and advise you in how to handle official matters related to unemployment.
Your OMA coach will assess your situation and help you plan an individual path for you towards work, education or other services – whatever fits your goals. Your OMA coach will direct you to the services you need and monitor your progress. The aim is to offer individual and efficient service.
Customer's checklist
If you have previously agreed on any appointments, services or tasks related to your job search with the TE Office, remember to carry them out by the given time limit to avoid any interruptions in your unemployment security.
- Report via Job Market Finland any changes to your situation such as starting work or studies, or changes in your contact information.
- Nationwide advice services at Job Market Finland offer advice on, among other things, unemployment security (in Finnish, Swedish, English, and Russian), starting and developing a business, and electronic transactions from the beginning of the year.