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The statutory payment tasks of the Tampere region employment area are handled centrally by the payment team of the City of Tampere’s employment and growth services. The payment team manages the disbursement of start-up grants, wage subsidies (including employment support for those aged 55 and over), discretionary expense reimbursements, travel and accommodation cost reimbursements, work environment arrangement subsidies, and the payment of purchase invoices related to statutory employment services.

Applying for payment 

You can apply for payment electronically through the Regional administration e-service. Log in to the e-service with your personal bank ID, mobile certificate, or certificate card. Fill out the application and add the necessary attachments through the service menu of the e-service. The internal instructions of the e-service will help you complete the application. Notifications from the service will inform you about the different stages of your transaction. By using electronic services, you can submit the application, respond to requests for additional information, supplement your application, and receive decisions related to your matter

If you cannot apply for discretionary expense reimbursement electronically, use the paper payment application form. The link to the form will be provided later.

Send paper payment applications to the following address:

Tampereen kaupungin työllisyys- ja kasvupalvelut
PL 487
33101 Tampere

Processing times

In the TE reform, payment tasks will be transferred from the Development and Administrative Centre of the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (KEHA Centre) to 45 employment areas on January 1, 2025. Due to the transfer of tasks, there may be delays in payments at the beginning of the year. We process payment applications in the order they are received.

The payment dates for start-up grants are the 15th and 31st of the month/the last day of the month. If the payment date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the payment date will be the previous banking day. There are no specific payment dates defined for other subsidies and grants.


To expedite processing, we recommend contacting us via email for any substantive questions regarding subsidies, grants, and purchase invoices. We handle contact requests in the order they are received.


Questions regarding discretionary reimbursements: [email protected] 

Questions regarding other payments: [email protected]  

Telephone service

Telephone Service regarding payments is +358 40 581 2300 and it is open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and 13 pm to 15 pm starting 8.1.2025. Telepohne Service answers questions about processing times and other general questions regarding payment applications.

Enterprise Finland Telephone Service

The Enterprise Finland telephone service also provides advice on applying for payments electronically. You can reach them at +358 295 020 500 (local network/mobile call charge) on weekdays from 9 am to 4.15 pm.

Updated 2.1.2025