Loan Your Owned Artwork for the Centenary Exhibition at Culture House Laikku

Laikku’s centenary will be celebrated throughout 2025 with various events. The early year’s celebration program includes the Lainasto exhibition, which will be composed of artworks owned and proposed by the public for this exhibition. Artwork selections will be made with an emphasis on creating a cohesive visual whole. The selection of works is also strongly influenced by the memories and stories associated with the works, which are also displayed in the exhibition in connection with the works.
You can propose one artwork that you own for the exhibition. Artwork proposals can be submitted from October 24 to November 13, 2024. The artwork must be created by someone other than the proposer. The artwork is proposed using a form available on the Culture House Laikku website.
The Lainasto exhibition will be on display from February 22 to March 30, 2025, in Laikku Gallery. Contracts will be made for all selected artworks, and the artworks will also be insured for the duration of the exhibition. The owner of the artwork is responsible for transporting the piece to and from Culture House Laikku.
The Lainasto exhibition honors the history of Culture House Laikku as a former library. Laikku was completed as Tampere’s first library building in 1925. The library operated in the building until 1986, when the new main library Metso opened. The library has also been called “lainasto,” and in the local dialect, it has been shortened to “laikku,” which is the origin of the current Culture House’s name. Nowadays, the building hosts exhibitions, concerts, and other events.
The 100th anniversary will be celebrated throughout 2025 with various events. The year will culminate in a festive weekend in October. The detailed anniversary program will be published later.