Answer the survey on the Safer Space Principles in swimming pools and gyms

Are you familiar with the Safer Space Principles? Are they needed in city swimming pools and gyms? Answer the questionnaire and tell us what you think! You can also give your opinion on the proposal for safer space principles for swimming pools and gyms.

The Safer Space Principles are guidelines on how we strive to be considerate and respectful of everyone. Such jointly defined and published principles are particularly relevant for minority groups who have experienced discrimination and fear being treated inappropriately again.

The Safer Space Principles apply to all those working in sports facilities, both customers and staff. We hope that everyone will feel welcome in the swimming pool and fitness centre in accordance with equality and equity laws, regardless of age, ethnic origin, nationality, language and culture, religion, belief, opinion, political opinion, family background, gender identity, sexual orientation, health status, disability, social status, economic status or any other individual characteristic such as skin colour, body size, appearance or neurodiversity.

In line with the City of Tampere Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan, we are committed to promoting accessibility of the facilities we use and the accessibility of information.

Influence the Safer Space Principles of the City of Tampere swimming pools and gyms by answering the survey.

Further information

Kaisa Björn
Planning Officer
040 663 6056
Text: Kaisa Björn
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