You can already apply for a place in early childhood education and care that will become vacant in August 2025

Applications for early childhood education and care (ECEC) places and open early childhood club places that will become vacant will be invited from 3 March 2025 onward. The application period will continue until 16 March 2025. The application concerns ECEC places that will become vacant in day-care centres in the City of Tampere in August 2025.

If you know that you need a place for your child next autumn, you can apply for an ECEC place now. There will be many vacancies in early childhood education and care across the city in August, as the age group moving into pre-primary education leaves the daycare centres.

You can also apply for an ECEC place for your child outside the application period throughout the year. You must apply for a place for your child at least four months before you need early childhood education and care. The term starts in August after the summer term has ended.

Apply for a place in the eVaka system

Applications for ECEC places are primarily submitted electronically through the City of Tampere website. If necessary, you can fill in the application form at the Tampere service point (address Frenckellin aukio 2 B) Mon–Fri, 9:00–16:00.

Applications for ECEC places are made electronically through the eVaka Tampere information system. Logging in requires strong identification using online banking codes or a mobile certificate. The language (Finnish or English) can be selected in the system before logging in, i.e., immediately on the login page.

To receive all ECEC decisions electronically, guardians must use the Messages service. This can be activated in the service, which also contains instructions on how to implement the service. Otherwise, decisions will be sent to your home by paper mail.

Guardians must accept the ECEC place offered within two weeks via eVaka or, alternatively, by contacting the director of the day-care centre, either by e-mail or by phone.

Find out more about early childhood education and care services online and ask for more information

For more information about ECEC, the different options and how to apply, visit the city’s website. The website also provides information on day-care centres offering shift and evening care, language groups and open early childhood education clubs for children under school age and their families.

For applications for places and other questions about services, please contact early childhood and care and pre-primary education customer service, tel. 040 800 7260, calling hours Mon–Thu, 9:00–11:00, or by e-mail at [email protected].

Increased supply of private early childhood education and care

The supply of private ECEC services has increased in recent years. Private services are an important part of a functioning service network in Tampere and the municipalities in the region. You can now apply for day-care as an outsourced service or based on service vouchers using the same eVaka application form as for municipal day-care centres.

A family can also get a place in private day-care, with a group family day-care provider or a family day-care provider with private care subsidies (Kela). In this case, the family applies for a place by contacting their chosen place of care directly. 

Further information

Katri Mantere
Head of Customer Service
040 849 2107
Text: Johanna Toivanen
Photos: Laura Happo
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