Integrated group at Kalkunvuori daycare centre
Menninkäiset group

Kalkunvuori daycare centre and school
Kalkunvuorenkatu 10
33330 Tampere
Menninkäiset, integrated group
tel. 040 668 2641.
The staff of the group:
- early childhood education teachers Anu Lumiaho and Johanna Kannisto
- early childhood education nurse Helena Helminen
- assistants Vuokko Alatalo and Anne Lobo Huhtala
Special early childhood education teacher Riikka Saha, tel. 0401785617
Kalkunvuori has approx. 150 children:
- Naavanutut (1–3 years)
- Haltijat (2–5 years)
- Menninkäiset (3–5 years)
- Pre-primary education group and basic school grades 1–2
The group works closely with the special early childhood education teacher in the area. There are 15 children in the group, half of whom have strong support needs and half of whom are peer playmates.
Menninkäiset have their own group facilities and their own entrance. We all eat together in the shared canteen.
In the integrated group, the activities follow the national early childhood education plan, and the content of the activities is therefore similar to any other group. For example, we go on excursions, make art, play music, etc. We work in different small groups every day. Activities are planned taking into account the children's individual goals and developmental level. The group emphasises natural interaction between children, and learning from other children and adults in the group.

What makes the group special is that there are fewer children and more adults than in most groups. The group collaborates a lot with outside operators such as various therapists who also visit the daycare centre a lot. Cooperation with the parents is close. There is also cooperation with the other groups at the daycare centre. This enables children in different groups to get to know each other.
Play is particularly important in the group. Play is used to learn and teach language skills, social skills, interactive skills, taking turns, working together, imagination and empathy. Play also strengthens group spirit and generates a feeling of friendship. In play, what matters to children is the activity itself, rather than its goals. In the group, everyone's playing skills are supported in the necessary ways so that each child feels part of the group and can participate in play.

The group uses a wide variety of different methods of support for learning and communication. These methods are available to all and everyone benefits from them. Support measures are particularly targeted at children who have a stronger need of support.
Sign language and pictorial communication are used with the whole group (e.g. illustrated daily and weekly schedules and activity guides). The group is based on clear and similar activities and routines, which creates a sense of security and clarity for the children.
A lot of positive feedback is given, for example by showing a green traffic light. Positive experiences and successes teach a child more effectively than pointing out where they went wrong.
“It’s always nice to come to Menninkäiset! The best things about the group are the atmosphere that values each child, learning through inspiring projects, and the wonderful adults. The whole family likes it!”
"Menninkäiset has had safe, caring adults who have been easy to cooperate with. Each child in the group has received the adult presence and support they need, and it's nice to see that the more linguistically adept children have also been taken into account. There has been a good spirit of cooperation between the adults in the group and the group as a whole, and group is tight-knit, even though the children have different abilities. It’s a happy atmosphere!”
Welcome to Menninkäiset!