East Tampere
What are the city services in East Tampere? How is the region being developed? What is going on in the East?
On this page you will find the schools, children's clubs and daycare centres, libraries, cultural and leisure venues, nature sites and urban planning sites in East Tampere. You can also easily find current topics and events in the East.
Rusko industrial fire's environmental and health impacts are being actively monitored
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Give your opinion on safety in Tampere
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Roe deer hunting has started in the Tampere urban area on 15 September
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Tampere intends to reduce the number of roe deer in urban areas – gamekeeping experts offer their assistance
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New Ojala day-care centre and school to open in August
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Shared use items from a box: the trial starts in three areas in Tampere
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What's happening in East Tampere
See here for the nearest upcoming events. Events will open in the Tampere events calendar. The City of Tampere is not responsible for events organised by other event organisers.
Kolliskeskus is home to a number of services for residents, including a library and a youth centre. In Kolliskeskus you can shop, take part in cultural events, exercise, study or just relax. The building has rooms that can be reserved for meetings or hobby groups, for example.
Rent items in Linnainmaa
Do you need a trangia, a textile cleaner or a drill? Rent these and many other household items at low cost. Lainappi box can be found in the Linnainmaa Citymarket parking garage, next to the lift.
What is East Tampere?
Main photo of the page: aerial view of East Tampere
The short address for this page is tampere.fi/en/east