South Tampere
What are the city services in South Tampere? How is the area being developed? What is going on in the South?
On this page you will find the schools, children's clubs and daycare centres, libraries, cultural and leisure venues and nature sites in South Tampere. You can also easily find current topics and events in the South.
Zoning plan proposal for Kaukajärvi School extension approved and made available
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Harmful compounds were not found in the Lintuhytti residential area
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Atmospheric Haihara Christmas is being held for the first time
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Rusko industrial fire's environmental and health impacts are being actively monitored
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In the community light art workshops, Haihara’s Christmas will be illuminated.
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Kaukajärvi and Annala are celebrating Halloween for two weeks with the whole neighbourhood - all interested are welcome
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What's happening in South Tampere
See here for the nearest upcoming events. Events are available in the Tampere events calendar at The City of Tampere is not responsible for events organised by other event organisers.
Hydrogen Summit & Expo
22.1.2025–23.1.2025 | Tampereen Messut Oy, Ilmailunkatu 20, 33900 Tampere -
Reading dogs in Hervanta Library
22.1.2025 18.00 | Hervannan kirjasto, Insinöörinkatu 38, 33720 Tampere -
Family skating courses in winter 2024–2025
23.11.2024–9.3.2025 | Kemianraitti 6, 33720 Tampere -
Manor concert: Jeena and the Vauhtikallot & Simpsakat Pirkot
26.1.2025 15.00 | Haiharan taidekeskus, Haiharankatu 30, 33710 Tampere -
Easy Finnish Fairytales – Story time
14.2.2025 09.30 | Hervannan kirjasto, Insinöörinkatu 38, 33720 Tampere -
Bones Go Last Vol.1: No Future (se), Lukas Häger (se), Golden Lampreys, Petoluonto & DJ kvhost
14.2.2025–15.2.2025 | Insinöörinkatu 38, 33720 Tampere
Kaukajärvi and Annala - life in a small town
We promote the comfort and safety of the Kaukajärvi and Annala area, as well as diverse housing solutions. The area is characterised by an interesting combination of cultural history and natural formations. In particular, there is a strong emphasis on physical activity and the use of outdoor recreation opportunities.
Rent items in Vuores
Do you need an electric bike, skis or a drill? Rent these and many other household items at low cost. Lainap's boxes can be found at the entrance to the Vuoresaukio side of the Klaava building in Vuores.
What is South Tampere?
Main image: aerial view of South Tampere
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