The Textile Art Association Uute ry's anniversary exhibition opens at Haihara Art Center’s Talli

A total of 24 works by UUTE Ry member artists will be exhibited at Haihara Art Center’s Talli from July 6 to July 28.

String theory celebrates 10 years of Uute Ry, the Finnish Association of New Textile Art by bringing together 24 artists from the association to showcase their works. The exhibition has been curated by Ria Andrews.

Spun into stories, soaked into identity, weaved into politics and stitched ever so carefully and powerfully into the fabric of time - Textiles are deeply rooted in our histories. It is material and also far more than only material. It is a language of resistance, identity, tradition, trade, social structure and ecologies. The intimacy and softness of textiles have created endless possibilities for how artists are able to communicate with them.

In this exhibition, artists present their own diverse compositions of textiles in both traditional and contemporary meanings. Themes range from color, design and form to concepts of history, mortality, ecology, social responsibility, memory and craft. In science, String Theory popularly suggests that at the heart of everything is a framework made of strings. While textile art continually explores the boundless structures and narratives drawn together by string. 

Haihara Art Center, Talli (Haiharankatu 30)
6.7.2024 - 28.7.2024
Open from Tuesday til Sunday 12:00PM to 18:00 PM

Free admission.

Further information

Anna Värri
Cultural Producer
040 673 6107
Text: Ria Andrews, Anna Värri
Photos: Uute ry
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