The eVaka Tampere online service replaced three applications used in early childhood education in April 2022. Now, tasks such as administration, billing, work time planning, communication, and attendance bookings in daycare centres are all managed within a single system. However, eVaka is still being developed through a collaborative effort between the cities of Tampere, Espoo, Turku, and Oulu, in two-week development cycles known as sprints.
Each city collects user feedback and suggests new functionalities based on that feedback. The cities then evaluate the proposals using shared criteria and prioritise the most important development areas. Residents of Tampere can provide feedback through the city's feedback channel.
Current Updates
During 2024, eVaka will be implemented in the surrounding municipalities of Tampere (Nokia, Ylöjärvi, Kangasala, Pirkkala, Lempäälä, Vesilahti, Orivesi, and Hämeenkyrö).