Five-Star City Centre development programme

Tampere’s city centre is undergoing a renewal in accordance with a city centre development programme approved by the City Board and the city strategy. Since 2011, the development work has been coordinated, promoted and implemented by the Five-Star City Centre development programme.
Data on Tampere’s city centre
In the city centre monitoring system, you will find the latest available statistics on, for instance, the population, housing, jobs and transport in Tampere’s city centre.
How can we be of assistance? Contact us!
Tero Tenhunen
Project Development DirectorPhone:
050 540 2860Mervi Huhtelin
Underground parking and driving connections in the city centre, development of the Kaupinlaakso and Nurmi areas Project Development ManagerPhone:
040 354 0560Mikko Siitonen
Development of the western city centre, Travel and Service Centre Project Development ManagerPhone:
041 730 3249Minna Seppänen
Viinikanlahti, development of the Tammela District, and strategic planning for the city centre development programme Project Development ManagerPhone:
040 150 9857Markus Joonas
Hakametsä Sport Campus, Tampere Festival of Light Project Development ManagerPhone:
050 345 0705Oona Haimi
Hakametsä Sport Campus Planning OfficerPhone:
044 481 1544Pekka Ranta
Finance and Procurement ManagerPhone:
050 564 6637Antti Saari
Planning OfficerPhone:
040 806 2548Suvi Varissaari
Project AssistantPhone:
040 195 5326Hanna Huotarinen
Marketing Communications PlannerPhone:
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