West Tampere
What are the city services in West Tampere? How is the area being developed? What is going on in the west?
On this page you will find the schools, children's clubs and daycare centres, libraries, cultural and leisure venues and nature sites in West Tampere. You can also easily find current topics and events in West Tampere.
The Tram Service to Lentävänniemi will start on Tuesday 7.1. and the opening will be celebrated on Saturday 4.1.
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Tram line 1 to Lentävänniemi on 7 January, also changes to bus lines
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Finnish teacher from Tampere wins Finlandia Prize in Children's and Youth Literature
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The popular Tampere Residents' Evenings continue – two more events coming in December
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Give your opinion on safety in Tampere
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Discover Tampere's Culture District on guided tours
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What's happening in West Tampere
See here for the nearest upcoming events. Events are available in the Tampere events calendar at tapahtumat.tampere.fi. The City of Tampere is not responsible for events organised by other event organisers.
Hirvitalo's Community Exhibition ART CABINET '24
7.12.2024–2.2.2025 | Hirvitalo - Pispala Contemporary Art Center, Hirvikatu 10, 33240 Tampere -
Easy Finnish Fairytales – Story time
25.1.2025 11.00 | Tesoman kirjasto, Tesomankatu 4, 33310 Tampere -
Moomin and emotions - experiential shadow theater workshop
4.10.2025 13.00 | Tesoman kirjasto, Tesomankatu 4, 33310 Tampere -
Moomin and emotions - experiential shadow theater workshop
18.11.2025 10.00 | Lielahden kirjasto, Antti Possin Kuja 1, 33400 Tampere
In the Lielahti Welfare Centre you can meet others, do hobbies, study, enjoy yourself and stay. In the same building you will find a library, a health and social services centre, a dental clinic, a health clinic and a local market. There is also a youth centre nearby.
What is West Tampere?
Main image: aerial view of West Tampere
The short address for this page is tampere.fi/en/west